I have decided...
that a post is way past due.
I apologize to you, my faithful readers. This summer, though a good one, was a very busy one, and left me with little time to blog. Aside from work, of course, was the inevitably busy move back to college, and it is only now (after being settled in for a good month) that I am returning to the blogosphere.
And what, indeed, does this world consist of?
To begin, I should mention that my first year at the University was a difficult one. I have no doubt in my mind that this is the place God wants me to be; no doubt at all. It's just been somewhat painful to return somewhere that was the place where I really broke my heart. Don't get me wrong, I love it here. I love the mist on the bluffs in the morning, love the close-knit community, love my professors, love the bells that chime at noon and 6:00, love the cute college town my school is in– but I have to deal with some hardships that are left over from last year. On the upside, I figure that I made so many mistakes freshman year that I can't possibly mess up my second year without deliberate stupidity. So, as long as I keep myself in check and remember to trust, all shall be well.
A Few of My Favorite Things (About Being Back in College)
1. Bike Rides
Can I just say, I love my bicycle. Or, bicycles, rather. I have two. The one I brought with me to college last year is absolutely full of character. It was my grandmother's, and is: vintage, red, and says "Free Spirit" on it. Need I say more? Unfortunately, the Free Spirit suffers from old age, and I left it at my parents' house this year, instead bringing my newish mountain bike back with me. Although I miss the originality of the FS, I love how my other bike rides. Not to mention, this is a great form of exercise (and much needed, due to the fact that a good portion of my summer was spent driving and not being incredibly active).
2. Local Scenery
The "driftless region" of the upper midwest is not highly known around the rest of the country, but I believe it to be of exceptional beauty. Our campus is set in the valley of the sublimely wonderful bluffs, and since the school owns much of the land, I have the opportunity to take hikes through the woods any time I wish. Sometimes the most therapeutic thing I can do for myself is take a walk. Something about solitude in the midst of beauty brings healing, I've found.
3. Night Mass
Liturgy at 9pm on Sunday night has been a huge blessing for me. I'm a lector (usually for the second reading and the petitions) and I've felt that this is the right ministry for me to be involved in. Over the years many people have commented on my expressive oral reading, and it's been rewarding to use it during the mass. Also, I am so thankful for our priest. His faith is so evident in the way he truly cares about the students and makes an effort to get to know us. Not to mention, the time of this mass is very nice for a college student.
4. The Local Thrift Store
The local Salvation Army has become my new shopping haven. It is perfect for many of my shopping needs, for several reasons. First off, I prefer thrift stores to most other kinds. The prices are great, and the selection is sure to yield items that are unique and original. Also, there's just something about the atmosphere; you never know what you'll chance upon. My wardrobe has gleaned much from this store, but I have also found some nice decorative additions to my room: pottery, blankets, dishes, etc. Another nice thing is that I am within walking and biking distance of this very lovely flea market of sorts.
5. Letter Writing
I hope to resurrect the so-called "lost art" of letter writing while I'm away at school. So far, I have done quite well in this endeavor, if I can say so myself. I've made an effort to write to friends, relatives and clients from all over the place, including the Twin Cities, Wisconsin, Duluth, Fargo, Alaska, California, Ireland and Germany. I love to keep in touch through intimately written letters; I believe that an especially personal touch comes with a handwritten letter. (And it is very nice to find a reply in my mailbox!)
With that thought, I should probably get off the computer, as my roommates are getting ready to wind down and I still haven't finished my Plato homework for tomorrow. Adieu, faithful readers!